What has always fascinated is not only my gaze but the gaze of others. The way we view the world has been shaped by so many outside factors. How we were raised, the choices we made, and as adults how we choose to see the world. My artistic journey has been a roller coaster to say the least. From taking my first painting class during my sophomore year of high school, to going to art school at Tufts University. The toughest part of this journey thus far was determining what to do after college. I had many jobs from being a project manager at a high end furniture company to working on a juice truck, thinking that owning my own juice truck was what I wanted to do. Finally in 2016 I found that teaching art to children is a large part of my calling and my future career. What has remained through those many seasons is my need and desire to create art. I have found that I have always had a fascination and frustration in rendering the human figure. What has always interested me are the curves, folds, and individuality as it relates to each pose. In addition, folds, patterns, botanical studies, and landscapes have piqued my current interests. What are the current areas of landscapes for me as an artist? How can I depict what I am seeing and how does it relate to me as an artist? Finally, how can I render landscapes as I see it as my own unique piece of art? Moving from Los Angeles, CA to State College, PA Sept 2022 has transformed the landscape that is in front of me and has provided a new lens of experience. Looking at works by artists like Ansel Adams, Thom Thompson, Kara Walker, Mark Bradford, and David Hockney has shown me the various ways artists can create a new and unique landscape by looking at an existing one. Creating art for artists has become complicated with the involvement of social media. In my studio I try my best to tune out the noise, and just create in a way that is true to me and expresses my current state of being. My hope is that my art brings a calm and stillness to the viewer. In a world full of noise, if I can bring about even a second of quiet, I would be happy to have contributed a momentary state of calm.