HOURS: FRI-SUN 12:00-4:30 or By Appointment

Past exhibits

24/7 Display Window


Wendy Snetsinger and Dorothy Durrenberger (now deceased)


Exterior of Building


January 3 - February 23

The Universe

The Universe has been a source of wonder, mystery, and magic from the time man first looked up to the skies and pondered the firmament.  
Happily, its beauty has been revealed in close-up detail through images from such space telescopes as the Hubble, launched April 24, 1990, and which “revolutionized humanity's understanding of the universe” and the James Webb telescope, an even more powerful telescope, launched Christmas 2021. The photographs taken from them were the inspiration for paintings seen in this installation.
The flat panels painted with acrylic paint portray the majesty and color of the galaxies and exploding stars while the painted papier mache spheres, also painted with acrylic paint, depict the planets, moons, and suns.

Concept and art by Wendy Snetsinger and Dorothy Durrenberger (now deceased).  Bellefonte Art Museum Outdoor Gallery installation directed by Linna Muschlitz.