HOURS: FRI-SUN 12:00-4:30 or By Appointment

Future exhibits

Paulette Lorraine Berner Community Gallery


Melinda Harr Curley and Mary Kay Laplante


Second Floor


April 4 - April 27
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 12:00 to 4:30


This exhibit brings together two artists from different backgrounds who have found a common medium and connection in their work. They both experience a sacredness in their artistic process and a merging with something larger, more eternal, that underlies all of creation. Their work implements all-natural materials which they both agree is essential in their pursuit of the sacred. 

Mary Kay Laplante’s process of painting, learning, and teaching about religious icons over the past eighteen years has been a journey of deepening her faith, her connection to the divine, and ultimately her relationship to God and the beauty that exists in all of creation. Melinda Harr Curley learned the egg tempera technique from Laplante and embraced this all-natural medium because of the luminous quality and translucence it creates. She believes these characteristics translate perfectly to the pursuit of the sacred. 

Though the outcomes are distinctly different, both artists agree the creative essence is from a God source and is within each of us. The act of creating art and its resulting physical forms are an opportunity to deepen one’s connection with that essence and all of creation.